Let’s Get Political, Political, Political….

The National Real Estate Investors Association Says: Let’s Get Political, Political, Political….

Atop the National REIA’s goal list for 2010 will be the development of state wide legislative associations in every state; to develop and fund a federal lobbying program; and, to become a clearinghouse for national legislative issues impacting on the real estate industry.

National REIA's mission is to develop, support and promote local real estate investor clubs while serving the interests of the real estate investment industry through networking, education, leadership on legislative issues, and promoting professionalism and standards of excellence in our industry.

A perfect example of the how the National REIA can play a role in protecting our industry’s interests was the monitoring and direct input our legislative delegation had this past summer in Washington, D.C. The National REIA delegation’s mission was to stop HR Bill 1728 (The Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act).

The National REIA’s delegation met with congressional and senatorial members on key committees working on HR 1728, a bill with specific language in Section 101 (3)(e) that would devastate the real estate investing industry.

From the reports and feedback gained from those meeting, the National REIA took action to broadcast those reports in our Newsletter and website. The call to action in those reports gave our members direction and a course of action which included contacts with their local congressmen and women.

April 21, 2010 Is The Third Annual National REIA Day On The Hill

Our work towards stopping HR 1728 continues into next year. The National REIA will organize its third annual, two-day mass demonstration in Washington, D.C. on April 21 and 22.


· Meet face to face with your representatives and teach them the importance of real estate investing to the nation’s economy.
· Hear first-hand updates from Washington insiders about the current state of politics and why it is imperative to be involved, NOW more than ever.
· Learn the key issues facing real estate investors and how to conduct effective meetings with your local, state, and national representatives.
· Explore legislative trends around the nation as you network with other real estate investors from all over the country.

To register, go to the National REIA official website at: http://www.nationalreia.com/

For further information contact the National REIA office at:

525 West 5th Street, Suite 101
Covington, KY 41011